Bootcamp Diaries II
4:32 PMPHASE ONE COMPLETE!! Steven has officially completed one out of the three phases to become a US Marine. I can't even explain how...
4:32 PM
Steven has officially completed one out of the three phases to become a US Marine. I can't even explain how proud I am of him! So far, I've gotten 10 letters! Sometimes two sheets came in one envelope. I'm INCREDIBLY lucky to have received so many letters. I've been getting 2-3 letters each week. Some family members and girlfriends have received less than me, which is totally okay! They're probably just using their free time extremely wisely! Steven usually writes me on a Sunday when they have extra free time, waiting for dental or when he is up at early hours of the morning on fire watch. Phase one consisted of getting used to not having Steven around and attempting to learn all of the phrases and abbreviations the USMC has. Luckily, there has been many posts on support groups on Facebook that has helped me tremendously and informed me so much! I met a really sweet girl named Devin on one of those pages, and we've been talking every day! Our boyfriends are in the same platoon and it's so amazing to talk to someone who knows exactly what you're going through!
I know that everyone says that the first few letters and the first few weeks are VERY rough and they get stressed and depressed but it passes. I still didn't believe them! I read Steven's first letter and I felt terrible for him. I thought he was going to be that down for the entire time, but even by the next letter I could sense confidence. He knows how to get through his days and he requested a letter every day to keep him motivated. I've been writing him each night! (Noah must have really loved Allie to write her every's hard! And stamps are expensive!)
Now that we're almost half way (Half way point is on Monday [!!!!!!!]) Steven's mother and I have been discussing plans and gifts and arrangements for family day. I'm so excited! It's so close. I have to get through the month of April, and then I think that May will fly by so quickly! Then it's off to get my fresh Marine on the 31st! I've been so incredibly busy these past few weeks. I've had so much school work and regular work and I've been working out! It's so awesome to be able to challenge myself with Steven as my #1 motivator. So far, I've been remaining as positive as possible and sending Steven as many encouraging words as I possibly can! That's all for phase one. Until next time, Semper Fi!