Election Day 2016

Disclaimer: I am going to try to type this without stating my political opinions or where my vote is going. I am in no way shape or fo...

Disclaimer: I am going to try to type this without stating my political opinions or where my vote is going. I am in no way shape or form looking for a debate. I am not speaking for every individual American, because I know that not one person thinks or acts the same as the other.

Tomorrow is election day. Tomorrow we decide the commander in chief for the next 4 years. Tomorrow we decide who has a say in our future. We will decide who will be the expected ultimate role model and our leader.

This election has ripped America into a hundred different pieces. We are no longer standing together in unison. Our different views and our frustrations towards other's views have turned most of us into overly opinionated, egotistical, selfish Americans. If Donald Trump is our next president, we will still be Americans. If Hillary Clinton is our next president, we will still be Americans.

It is an obvious statement to say that both candidates have their faults. I think where we went wrong is when we started to hate the opposing candidate so much that we became blind to the candidate that we support, and we became numb to his or her faults. I know where my vote is going, and I fully understand and accept the dangers and the concerns that will come with this candidates presidency.

My argument is this: I respect everyone's different political opinions and views. However, if you sit in front of me and say to my face that the candidate that you support is an all around positive role model, I will disagree on both ends. As I mentioned before, both candidates have their faults, they have told their lies, they have made promises that they can't keep, and they have torn each other down piece by piece to make him or her seem like the lesser of two evils. If you cannot admit that, you're not fooling me, yourself or America.

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