Love is equal! It feels good to be an American today. Today, I was going to post about my previous Birchbox package, but THAT CAN WAIT....

Love is equal!

It feels good to be an American today. Today, I was going to post about my previous Birchbox package, but THAT CAN WAIT. Incase you live under a rock; same sex marriage was finally legalized today in ALL 50 STATES!!! It’s crazy to me that any marriage was ever illegal. This topic might be touchy to some people.    Read on if you wish.

I have family, friends and acquaintances who are gay. It never bothered me or confused me, even when I was little. If anything, I always admired their strength and acceptance. It blows my mind that someone can be bothered by someone else’s love for another human. It bothers me that some people have an urge to stop love between two souls. Love is love and should be spread throughout the world of all people. There are also Christians who believe that God designed each woman to love a man, and each man to love a woman. Beliefs are beliefs, and that’s fine. However, the God that I believe in loves each individual and all people of all races and sexualities. The God that I believe in sends love through energy in hopes of others spreading positive energy in return. I’m not one to pay attention to politics, but let’s just give a huge round of applause for the man himself, Barack Obama. Today, I spent my morning sipping my coffee with a smile on my face as I watched President Obama call Plantiff Jim Obergefell to thank and congratulate him and his husband. How stinking lovely is that? My heart is full today, and my smile is spread wide, because America has taken down the confederate flag and legalized same sex marriage all in one week. I have hope that in a few years, equality will not be an issue. As stated today by President Obama, “Today we can say in no uncertain terms that we’ve made our union a little more perfect”. With that, I hope you all have a beautiful and inspirational weekend. #LoveWins.

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